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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Blogger at Training

Hello fellow readers,


Yes, am a newbie at blogspot. Do be patient when inconvenience circumstances occur.

I used to blog long before with xanga and now it's time to change to blogspot.

It has been years since I last blogged.

One thing I have to remember before submitting an entry, is to make sure to copy everything (in case after clicking on submit, an error occurs); then a whole new entry has to be done all over again. As obvious as it is, it's a pain in the bottom!

I can assure you, this page will keep you interested and you will want to come back =p. Kinda cheesy, but hey I HAD to have a catchy line! I will entertain you via peektures and stories that will make you ponder far.

Together, lets enhance our imagination and our enthusiast selves.

Once again, BIENVENIDO to anabella's mundo (that's 'world' in Spanish of course). Shouldn't have give out the definition; It'd be fun for you to wonder and google yourself. Well, since this is my first blog and it is YOUR first visit here, I thought I'd cut you some slack and help you this first time round.

Do come again and don't be shy to leave comments =)

Thanking you in advance.

ms. anabella

1 comment:

Unknown said...

eh, i thought u can still edit eventho u have clicked enter, no need to do a whole new post again laa ;)